mystic canyon light gallery | 435.619.9475
Thursday - monday 11am - 5pm | CLOSED tuesday & Wednesday
mysticcanyonlight@gmail.com | mystic-canyon-light.com
Charly moore
Charly was born in Germany, August 1956. He specializes in landscape and wildlife fine art photography based in Ivins, Utah. Charly’s fascination for landscape and wildlife has come from the love of the area and the beauty it holds within.
the photography
Charly primarily enjoys photographing the southwest, but also enjoys photographing other regions.
“Looking at my images on the wall is totally different from how I imagine the viewer sees my work. I see my work through the journey, without the journey the work is meaningless. I have walked through each picture and stopped to record the direction of my experience. The longer the walk, the more in touch I feel with the land, the more my senses are heightened and acute. The longer the walk, the better the images become because my sight becomes attuned to the subtle details nature presents.”
the gallery
Charly has have lived in the southwest for the past 15 years. In 2015 he opened Mystic Canyon Light Gallery at the Kayenta Art Village in Ivins, Utah.